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Monday, August 22, 2011

Koalas and Kangaroos!

I had a fabulous weekend in Sydney with Fiona Davidson!

Friday was a busy day.  First, I dropped off the kids at school.  Then I grabbed a coffee down in Devonport while I waited for the 9:30 Kimax class to start.  The class was pretty hard but a good workout to start the morning, then at 10:30 I rushed home, showered and caught the 11:25 ferry over to the city to meet Jacques for lunch in the new Viaduct section before catching the bus to the airport.

I was off to Sydney at 4pm.  When I landed, Fi was there waiting for me, and I was the first one out because I was fairly close to the front of the plane and didn't have any checked baggage.  It was windy and then on the car journey back to Epping started raining pretty badly.  There was also a ton of rush hour traffic, but we went across the harbor bridge getting a tiny bit of a view through all the rain.  The forecast was for rain all weekend and it seemed like it had begun already.

We didn't get up to much that night, just had the traditional Kenny's take-away, apparently a treat all foreign visitors have experienced.  Then we had a skype chat with Nathan...who was still up at 4:50 am...and then in an attempt to try out the group hang out on google +, we were greeted by his sleeping face when the plugin finally loaded and the chat opened.  It was actually quite hilarious and we couldn't wake him up!

Saturday morning we were in for a pleasant surprise!!  It was SUNNY! And remained that way the entire day until we were in Jersey Boys that night.  We took the train into Circular Quay and The Rocks and wandered around for a bit, making sure to check out the Harbor Bridge and the Opera House.  I really liked the Rocks Market, lots of neat stalls and crafts and things.  I even found myself a nice ring!  We ate at Pancakes on the Rocks for was delicious!!  Then we took a ferry from Circular Quay to Darling Harbor, had another wander around and went to Blackbird for happy hour.  Then we moved to Nick's restaurant, also overlooking the harbor and had a delicious rib dinner!! A rack and a half to share...the waitress definitely should have stopped up from getting that many! They were massive!! We only had 3 left in the end though...but were very full and had to get to Jersey Boys!  We were in the second row on the edge, much cheaper seats than the people next to us...exact same view.  The show was great.

After the show we walked back and took the train home.  Oh and on the train, the seats are little cushioned benches, but the back flip around to either side, so that you can always face the way the train is going....people just got on and flipped the seats and sat down, I sat going backwards and Fi was like, you want to ride that way?  She flipped her seat and sat down, I wouldn't have known you could do it if I didn't see her do it, then everyone else that go on the train!  I ended up being the only one facing backwards (it was easier to have a conversation that way) and everyone was looking at me, like why are you facing the wrong way?

Sunday, we went to the Koala park where we got to pet a Koala and feed the Kangaroos, both very soft and cute.  Much better experience than the zoo, we could get up close and personal for a lot cheaper and it was right around the corner from Fi's house in Epping.  Then we went to the shopping center so I could get a few cheap souvenirs and ate lunch, once again at a Nick's (diner this time).  I flew home at 7pm and the rain started again on the way to the airport.  it ONLY rained when we were inside, after being forecast for the whole weekend.  Pretty lucky!

Lunch at Pancakes

Amazingly delicious huge ribs at Nick's

Mama and her Joey