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Monday, May 14, 2012

Making Progress

Accomplishments so far:

1) Visa granted! :) From the average 25 day wait period, somehow I submitted it May 10, then needed to make the payment May 11 because somehow they couldn't get it off the credit card details section I filled out on the actual application, now Monday, May 14 I checked the status online and it had been approved through May 14, 2014!  I can work full-time for any employer in any occupation.  Strangely enough, I applied for my working holiday visa on May 10, 2010 and it was granted on May 14, 2010! I didn't even realize this until I saw it posted on my immigration status history.

2) Bed frame won on TradeMe (New Zealand version of ebay)! Now need to figure out how we will get it home...possibly part of tomorrow's adventures

3) New comfy "Black Diamond" mattress purchased! Also will be interesting getting it home!

4) Made our own almond milk using almonds soaked overnight, a blender (but from now on we'll be able to use the fancy new food processor that Felecia got for Mother's Day) a cheesecloth, a coffee filter and some water.  We also got a decent amount of leftover almond flour!  So 2 liters of almond milk (that actually tastes pretty good) and enough almond flour for baking with only cost us $4.50.  Buying one liter in the store is about $7 and it's loaded with sugar.

5) Caught up with friends and ate at Corelli's! They are willing to accommodate my vegan needs :)

Next step: Get a job!  I've been sending in some applications this week and now I will be able to tick the box that I have a work visa, so hopefully things will go a bit more smoothly!

It turned out last week, Jacques only had to be away Mon-Wed and they changed their flights and he surprised me when he walked in the door on Wednesday night! I had no idea and thought I was going to have to wait another 24 hours.  So that was a nice change of plans!

Saturday, we drove out west to look at some natural bed/futon places.  I felt like we had come across a bed farm...they place looked like a run down barn and we couldn't quite tell where people were living or working or what.  The woman coming to open the display room was about 10 minutes late and she just pulled out the key from underneath the porch to open the door.  Fortunately, we decided to consider other options besides futons and went looking at furniture stores right around the corner on Sunday afternoon after Mother's Day lunch.  That's where we found our Black Diamond and it was basically all decided right then and there.  Hopefully we'll be sleeping on it in the next couple of nights! Very excited!