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Thursday, November 11, 2010


Not only have I been catching up on the TV I've been missing at home ( for any international followers of American TV programs), but I've noticed some major progress in yoga too!

I'm am now completely caught up with Gossip Girl and Desperate Housewives, one more episode of How I Met Your Mother to go and working on Glee next!  I had planned on going to the beach today, hoping the weather would be like yesterdays, but unfortunately I rained almost all day, so I had a lazy day instead until yoga time. 

I had a pretty productive-feeling class today and at the end this one posture we do pretty much every time...should really start learning the're sitting through a chair with your thighs strapped together, arching backwards, knees locked with a sandbag on your flexed feet, just shoulder blades hanging off the other side the chair.  First, you start out just reaching your arms out straight over your head for the wall bars, then once that's easy reach for the floor, then eventually start walking them along the floor until you find the legs of the chair.  Today, I was able to find the legs of the chair right away and then get a better grip as I stayed there for my 20 long-slow breaths to stretch out more.  I am definitely stretching out my shoulders a lot and it's working really well...the hips and hamstrings however need a bit more time!

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