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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Missing Football Season :(

Tonight, unfortunately, the Patriots game was on exactly during working hours.  Well, it was more like this afternoon, but right before I had to go pick up the kids from school.  However, watching the highlights made me very happy, but also a bit sad that I was missing football season.  It's nice to have a Sunday tradition, I suppose I've just kind of replaced watching football with playing tennis.  It'll just have to do for now!

Tonight was the 2nd round of the business house tournament at the club, but because the first week was rained out, we're squeezing those for games into these next weeks so that we don't have to play the week of Christmas.  Tonight we played 6 20 minute games, so the dinner following was a bit late!  Don't think I actually ate anything until 10pm!  It was a nice yummy baked ham though, so worth the wait and worked up quite a hunger playing tennis!  I actually missed most of the first game, someone filled in for me, because both John and Julia were stuck in really bad traffic coming home.  Apparently, there was some kind of accident on Lake Rd (the only main road in a out of this peninsula) so the cars weren't moving at all!  They both rang and said they'd be a bit late as the kids were finishing dinner.  As much more time started to pass, I decided to get Tessa and Libby in the bath and ready for bed.  Then Reuben went in the bath after them.  They rang again at about 6:30 when Reuben was having his bath to say that they'd tried going back into the traffic, but it was still not really moving, so they went to get something to eat in Takapuna and would hopefully be home as close to 7pm as possible for me to get to tennis!  I had all three kids ready for bed and Tessa even quiet in bed by 7:20 when they arrived home, so didn't do too badly!

Libby went to gymnastics with a friend after school today, so it was also an accomplishment to get here there even a few minutes early before 3:30.  Usually we haven't even left school yet by then, when they get out at 3pm.  Tessa and I did our usual park morning this morning and she was telling stories again in the car.  She's trying to say more and more words, and knows a lot, but when she tries to compile them into sentences, somehow nothing makes any sense.  She just makes up her own language sometimes.  Soon, I think she'll just have a breakthrough and start speaking real, understandable sentences because she know what she wants to say and usually has a lot to express!

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